Crash Error code 14149 51687 after entering a journal with tax item NCG

Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi, I am in need of some assistance with the following,

I am using Reckon Accounts Pro 2014

I am trying to enter a journal with a tax code NCG,

As soon as I "tab" out of the tax item box I get an unrecoverable error

Code: 14149 51687  

The program then crashes and shuts down.

Note: I entered the journal without the tax code and it saves ok (I did this just so I can show what I am trying to achieve), however as soon as I add the code NCG and move out of that box it gives the error, I don't get a chance to save it.





  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,229 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager
    edited February 2017
    Hi Bevan,
    Welcome to the Community and sorry to hear you're experiencing this issue!

    The first thing I'd suggest in trying to rectify this is to perform a Verification & Rebuild of your file.

    Could you please try the steps that are outlined here -

    Let me know how you get on,


    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • Janelle Knight
    Janelle Knight Member Posts: 53 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 2019
    Just noticing on the journal (I know it was an example).   However when the journal isn't in balance it should pop up an error saying just that, not 'fall over'.  

    Staff amenities should be reduced by the GST amount ($84.04) and enter your NCG code and amount of $8.41, then the full amount of $92.45 should Cr to drawings.  May help?


  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015

    Thanks for the replies.

    I have followed the steps to perform a Verification & Rebuild, no errors were found.

    Problem still occurs

    I also tried Janelle's idea, however as mentioned in my initial post as soon as I select NCG as a tax item it crashes so I am unable to put in any further details or amounts.

    In the screen shots in my first post you can see the debits from staff amenities and then the credit to owner’s drawings. I put this data in before selecting NCG. I did this just so I could show what I am trying to do, however if I were to enter the journal as normal it would go like this...

    Account = Staff Amenities / Debit = $92.45 / Credit = "empty" / Tax Item = NCG (this is when it fails)

    I am unable to enter any more info as the program crashes.

    My Quickbooks rep tells me that entering a tax item in a journal can cause issues??? Why is it there then?

    Could someone please test this within their program and let me know if it crashes.

    Otherwise I am open to any other suggestions other than paying $4.90/min for tech help.

    Your assistance is greatly appreciated.

  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015

    Furthermore this is the answer I received from my QuickBooks Rep.

    " I don’t like doing journals with a tax code anyway.

    There are other issues anyway.

    What I do is write a cheque to the order of “Journal Entry” a supplier.

    If the account is Debit make the dollar value positive If the account is a Credit make the dollar value negative."

    Can anyone offer there thoughts on this, please keep in mind I am not a bookkeeper/accountant.

  • Janelle Knight
    Janelle Knight Member Posts: 53 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited January 2019
    I have just read another post from a few months ago, first suggestion was to re-sort the tax code list and if that didn't fix it, another way was to set up a new tax code just for journals. That seemed to fix their issues. Not sure of implications for BAS. On my phone I can't paste the link sorry. Will try tomorrow when on computer. I have always used the journals with tax codes and haven't had any issues.
    Good luck
  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015

    I have just tried setting up a new tax code named it NCGJ, 

    Not sure if I did it correct I just replicated the NCG code. See 2nd screen shot.

    This made no difference, see 1st screen shot.


  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 823 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Bevan

    Does the same error occur if you use GST instead of NCG?

    Does 2014 pro have the choice to tick 'purchases' or 'sales' or 'adjusting entry' (sorry it has been a while since I used Pro)?  If so tick purchase or adjusting entry

    If this fails re-do some previous  steps but in order -
    • resort every list in the file, tax, tax codes, chart of accts etc including in write cheques 'pay to' CTL+L this will bring up many lists, resort.
    • Then verify and rebuild.
    If this fails, uninstall and reinstall the program (make sure you print your registration details first - 'help>my licence'.

    If this fails  you will have to contact tech support.

    In the meantime try doing the tax manually -  
                 Staff amenities     50.00
                 gst                            5.00
                 drawings                                     55.00

    As for being told jnl entries have issues, they don't, I personally have never had this error in any program of Quickbooks/Reckon and I have been using these products for over 35years.

    Further you cannot have a negative on write cheque (in MYOB you can) not reckon accounts.

    Can I ask if you do many entries involving drawings and is drawings an equity account? if the owner is always paying for things from personal accounts or cash, I set up a bank account for my clients called "Paid by Owners" 'cash paid' or similar, all reimbursed entries are entered through this bank account as normal to the expense account incl/excl. ncg, then it is one jnl at the end of the month or qtr to the drawings account.

    If a company, I set up a bank account or credit card 'Loan - to/from directors', this way it tracks the loan as well as being able to pay bills, write cheques, deposits etc that have been paid from personal accounts.  If the director takes money from the business this also goes to this account.

    This makes life so much easier for my clients than jnl entries.

    Contact me if you wish; 
  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015


    So... I tried using GST instead of NCG= Crash

    2014 pro does not have the choice to tick 'purchases' or 'sales' or 'adjusting entry'

    I resorted the lists again as instructed in the last comment by Kim.

    Verified it all good and rebuild. Still Crashes.

    So I am ready to try re-installation.

    However I cant find the original installation so I have downloaded a trial version thinking I can just use my installation key. But I just noticed that the download is 2015.

    I am using 2014, is this going to be an issue?

    Will it except my installation key? 

  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 823 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    no you will  need to get a new key.  I take it that the original installation was downloaded and not disc.

    If you still have your advantage membership login then go to support, downloads, there still may be a 2014 option to download.

    Either way you still need to contact activations, give them your details as you would be registered in the system with your copy of 2014, explain the problem and they should reactivate.  

  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 823 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    PS:   did you want to send me a portable backup of your file, I will see if the error happens on my program.

    Professional Partner of 20years - 0429305300
  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015

    Sorry for late reply,

    Yes last time I upgraded to Pro, the guy I purchased it from just gave me the license key and had me download the trial from the web, then enter my key in. So I never received a copy.

    I will be contacting Reckon today re: getting a copy of the installation software. See how I go.

    Thanks Kim I appreciate the offer re: checking my file on your program however I just don't feel comfortable sending this information. Even though you are clearly going out of your way to assist me, I trust you understand.

  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 823 Reckoner Reckoner
    edited April 2020
    Hi Bevan

    Thats Ok, but for the record I run  my own Accounts buisness & I am a registered BAS agent, bound by the same code of conduct & ethics as Accountants :)

    with the program open, go to top menu>help>my licence  and print your file keys & licence so you can give them to Reckon.  It should have activated over the net and should have your contact details and phone number etc.

    It will also have your reckon customer ID to quote to Reckon.
  • Bevan
    Bevan Member Posts: 22 Novice Member Novice Member
    edited October 2015

    This is now resolved, I spent over 2 hours on the phone with Reckon tech support while doing a remote log in. In the end I sent them my back up file to continue looking at it. Today they have replied with the fix. As per copied from the email response.

    Finally we found where the problem was. Problem was with Gst tax payable account. In order to resolve this issue, we had to end up with creating new TAX PAYABLE account and to do so, there are few more steps involved which I have provided in screenshots as requested.


    I wish to return this file back to you, but since I had this file running on latestest release and you are running 2014, please follow the below steps( In case if you are ready to do an upgrade, let me know, I can send this ready-to- go file back to you)

    1)  I created new current Liability account for Gst payable called as “ GSTpayable test” 

    2)  I then merged your existing GST tax payable account to Gst payable test. For this, please right click on Gst tax payable account> and renamed exactly as the other account you are merging to> then normally system will ask “Name already exists, you can merge” but since tax preference is turned on, system will give you the below message 


    3)  So, please go to edit> Preference> and follow the screen shots. 


    4)  Then  go back to the chart of accounts and merge the account. You will notice that your account balance will be transferred to the new account as seen in below.


    5)  Then please go to the supplier center> Double click on ATO and change the accounts to the new accounts as shown below. 


    6)  Then you can turn on back the tax preference from Edit> TAX> and just revert back> OK 


    7)  Then if you test with Journal, it has worked fine, In the below screen shot I have used all new accounts, but I can see its working fine for all your accounts. It allows me to save as well.

    This is now all sorted, no more crash errors when doing a journal using a tax code.

    Thanks for all of your assistance guys n gals, special thanks to Babi from Reckon Tech Support who not only resolved this issue but managed to do it at no cost even though my support had expired. Thank you very much.