Pay super

Sasha23 Member Posts: 59
HELP I noticed that superannuation was not calculated correctly in reckon accounts for our employees so I have now corrected the system but I need to adjust the amounts in reckon to the correct amounts that we have paid . Would I simply do journals for each employee .


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    My solution when this happens is to manually edit the next/last pay (for the period in which you have paid the adjustment) and add/deduct from the super calculated and displayed in the bottom left box of this paycheque... this should then enable you to process the Pay Liabilities entry with ease. cheers Linda
  • Sasha23
    Sasha23 Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020
    Ok great thanks Linda so to make sure I’m on the right track adjust the super in this weeks pay to include the adjustment amounts so that the ytd will match with what we hv paid.
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Yes, normally I would say this week - but you said in your post that you have already paid the difference?  so perhaps adjust in a pay that covers the same period as the one you have paid?  so that when you do the Payroll Liability entry - the amounts to pay will match what you actually have paid?  hope that makes sense?  cheers Linda
  • Sasha23
    Sasha23 Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020
    Thanks Linda
  • Sasha23
    Sasha23 Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020
    Hi Linda So if I have paid December superannuation and I need to adjust the amount that should have been calculated should I just amend the December pay to include the adjustment amount is the right. Sorry I thought I should just amend this pay period for the December adjustment amount.
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Yes - so for example - if the current December super said say $900 but you worked out the error and you have actually paid $1000 for December and its 2 employees that need fixing for $50 each... then I would edit the last pay in December, unlock it - and add $50 to each employee to what it already says there... to check its worked - run the Super by Employee report again for December - it should now say $1000 instead of $900 and you should be able to do the Pay Liabiities entry and match it all up?
  • Sasha23
    Sasha23 Member Posts: 59
    edited February 2020
    Aww brilliant thankyou for being so helpful really appreciate it
  • Kwikbooks (Professional Partner)
    Kwikbooks (Professional Partner) Member Posts: 824 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Hi Marissa

    What was the cause of the error?  Was super set for the $450 mth min. as this will have an effect on the super and the way it calculates.

    If Super is wrong, personally I would unlock the pay/s that it actually calculated wrong on, each individual pay not an EOM adjustment, any audit in the future an adjustment could look like an error for that pay, especially if it has over calculated and you need to reduce the super on the adjustment.