
Bernie Eastman
Bernie Eastman Member Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in Point of Sale
I use Windows 10, and load CloudPos using Google Chrome. When I check out and hit "Charge and Print Receipt" the Print dialog box appears and requires me to hit Print again. It's only one step but is unnecessary and not something that is required under other cloud based systems. Has anyone had the same problem?
Similarly, if I hit "Charge and no receipt" the dialog box appears again, and the Cash drawer will not open unless I hit Print again. Defeats the purpose as the printer then spits out a receipt sized paper that simply says "Open Cash Drawer"
Any ideas?


  • Alexander McKeown
    Alexander McKeown Reckon Staff Posts: 212 Reckon Staff
    edited May 2019
    Dear Bernie,
    Apologies for the long delay between your post and an answer.

    The Cloud-Based environment cannot directly connect to your physical machinery (as they're not attached to the server), so when printing, it converts the raw data from the server to PDF, which then asks to be printed again to your receipt printer (hence why it asks to be printed twice).

    The short answer as to why this happens is because most cash drawer models actually require a command line from the attached receipt printer - essentially before the drawer opens, it will look for the specific "Open Drawer" command, hence why it will print even when no receipt asks to be printed.

    I hope this helps!