refund customer who has overpaid

maria_9343200 Member Posts: 15
edited June 2020 in Reckon Accounts (Desktop)
A cash sale customer has double paid an invoice but the option to refund the second payment isn't available unless I select an unpaid invoice which reduces the refund amount?

I'm sure this use to be available in previous versions of Reckon so am a bit confused.

Does anyone know how to fix this or have the same problem as well?


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Hi Maria - firstly have you entered both of the double payments through the Received Payment screen (I am assuming the invoice was created for a customer called Cash Sales)?  ie one is allocated to the correct invoice and the 2nd is just sitting there not allocated and showing the Cash Sales account balance to be negative? 

    to Refund the customer - make the physical payment to them - then in Reckon Accounts Hosted - enter a Write Cheques entry - and in the account allocation at the buttom - select the Accounts Receivable account - no tax code - put a memo in the description field - then select Cash Sales in the Customer:Job field... Save this entry... now you can go back to the Cash Sales customer in the list - choose the receive payments entry that was the overpayment - open this and now you will have an entry to allocate that overpayment to - which is the refund amount.  Save this once you have ticked to apply the payment to the refund.

    Maybe you are confusing the process of Selecting the Refund button for customers when you enter a credit/adjustment note after they have purchased and paid for something?  that is a different scenario to what you are describing here?  

    Hope this helps?  Cheers Linda
  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,132 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner
    edited June 2020
    Hi Maria - firstly have you entered both of the double payments through the Received Payment screen (I am assuming the invoice was created for a customer called Cash Sales)?  ie one is allocated to the correct invoice and the 2nd is just sitting there not allocated and showing the Cash Sales account balance to be negative? 

    to Refund the customer - make the physical payment to them - then in Reckon Accounts Hosted - enter a Write Cheques entry - and in the account allocation at the buttom - select the Accounts Receivable account - no tax code - put a memo in the description field - then select Cash Sales in the Customer:Job field... Save this entry... now you can go back to the Cash Sales customer in the list - choose the receive payments entry that was the overpayment - open this and now you will have an entry to allocate that overpayment to - which is the refund amount.  Save this once you have ticked to apply the payment to the refund.

    Maybe you are confusing the process of Selecting the Refund button for customers when you enter a credit/adjustment note after they have purchased and paid for something?  that is a different scenario to what you are describing here?  

    Hope this helps?  Cheers Linda