Custom Report - Accounts Hosted

Clint Bolderston
Clint Bolderston Member Posts: 1
edited September 2020 in Accounts Hosted
I'm having trouble customising reports, I want a report to show the qty of item A in a column, qty of item B in a column, qty of item C in a column etc. With a customer name on the LHS.

It is possible to get this as a line by line against customer, but I would like it to be used as a sales order summary with totals for each of the item quantities at the bottom.

Any tips? I haven't been able to find a full customised report writer - the constraints around which columns are reported and how seem to be the problem I am having.

Similarly, I can only get the 'memo' field to populate on a fast report by customer - not on any other report types even when this field is included in the report.


  • PhuongDo
    PhuongDo Reckon Developer Partner Posts: 314 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2020
    Hi Clint,

    I don't think you can do that (having multiples items' quantities as columns) in Reckon's report.

    It can be done by exporting multiple standard reports from Reckon to excel and you need some advanced excel skill to create the report you want.. or use a custom solution :)

    If you really want to have this report, let me know, I can help. My email is



    Phuong Do / Reckon Developer Partner