Where can I get some phone support to help with a Reckon issue?


I have been asking for help on this community, and initially get an answer, after the initial 2-3 responses if the problem isn't resolved, I get no response. Renewing the question only gives the same initial responses. I would like some one who can help me thru an issue that occurred after 1) I updated my computer and I lost all the attachments and 2) the motherboard of the computer get replaced, and I now can't get the file to 'stick'. On opening Reckon it assumes I am new and it asks to find my files again.


  • Robyn Kelly (Partner)
    Robyn Kelly (Partner) Accredited Partner Posts: 475 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner


    I'm happy to help but as I am a sole trader and work on my own there will be a charge for me to do so. If you would like me to help please email robyn@robynkelly.com.au and I can explain my charges.

    If you would like to try something else was the computer technician who helped you with your old computer when the motherboard was replaced able to get any information out of that? My suggestion is to copy the Quicken folder that should be in documents folder if he is able to get some information from the old computer. If not was your backup a RKN backup or did you take a backup with the 5 or 6 diffeent files in it and that Attch folder?

  • Irmina
    Irmina Member Posts: 15

    Thanks Robyn,

    All the files were retrieved just moved from a onedrive (on the computer) folder to a hard drive folder. Nothing was lost. Every time I open Reckon, it wants to know if I am a newby even after I point to the correct folder.


  • Irmina
    Irmina Member Posts: 15

    I would like to thanks Gerry Winter for contacting me and helping over the phone. Thank you your time was very valuable and your support great. Thanks! That is service!