Resumit the Payrun by mistake, how to delete ?
I use Reckon payroll app via androi. I resubmit the payrun by mistake . Now when click the payruns, it show 1 payrun, but when click STP it show 2 same payrun. Do I need to delete one payrun , and how ?
I check "Employee YTD summary" , it's correct (not include the amount that I resubmit).
Thank you
Best Answer
@AnnTaffs If the YTD Summary in Reckon is showing correct figures for the employee then once you create and submit the next payrun, the ATO figures for employee will also update to the correct YTD Summary. If there are no more payruns expected in 2022/23 FY, then whenever you run the EOFY 2022/23 Payrun report and submit, the ATO figure will get updated to the correct value.
@AnnTaffs The STP submission to ATO is always on a YTD basis. If Employee YTD summary is showing correct amounts then there should not be an issue. However, if the employee can check MyGov ATO Income statement that will be a confirmatory check.
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I did check mygov and it show double amount. So how to delete the payrun please ?
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@AnnTaffs the ATO figure should catch up to the YTD Summary when you submit the employee's next payrun
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