reckon calculating wrong annual leave ? need some help plz

Sm1rza Member Posts: 14

Hi ,

We have added an employee as part time employee 14 hours per week but in annual leave section it says The default value for full time employment should be 152.00

so it has been calculating the leave as per 152 per annum which is not actual

I have calculated leave on fair work leave calculator its different ,

tried to call reckon few time ,no luck

can someone please advise how to fix it now and for future


  • Ageoftaxation
    Ageoftaxation Reckon Staff Posts: 16 Reckon Staff
    edited March 24


    For casual employees, we usually do not select anything in annual and personal leave, so you can leave the entitlements at 0.

    They also have leave accrual 'Per time worked' instead of 'Per pay' or 'per hour''. Please change annual entitlements to 0 for both annual and personal leave, then revert the pay run to draft to delete and recreate payrun. 

    If there are multiple payruns now for this employee, you can change the leave entitlements from Employees>Leave>edit annual or personal leave, then scroll down to change available leaves so that from future, it will calculate and show correct leaves.

  • Tanvi_kataria
    Tanvi_kataria Reckon Staff Posts: 159 Reckon Staff

    Morning @Sm1rza

    As mentioned by @Ageoftaxation, for casual employee, you need not to select any figures for leave entitlement.

    However, if you want to update the figures with a different figure, you can still change that in the Employee Record. Below are the steps -

    Go to Employee and Edit Details as in the screenshot attached below.

    Please let us know, if this helps or you need any further assistance. Thank you!

