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We're super excited to announce that Pay Templates are now live in Reckon Payroll! This new feature provides the capability to create, manage and update pay setup information for employees in a single location making it easy to apply settings to multiple employees. This helps save time in manual entry, reduce errors and…
Hi everyone, we're super excited to let you know Reckon Payroll has received a significant new update today! Back in September we communicated the change to the sign-in screen for to This was the first stage of a huge navigation upgrade to Reckon Payroll and with today's update, Reckon…
We're really excited to announce a brand new update to Reckon One that not only gives Reckon One a modern new look but also brings all Reckon One functionality under one cohesive interface! Check out what's included in this update! 🎨 A modern new look! Reckon One has been given a makeover with a modern look and feel…
Hi Everyone! 👋 After a big focus on getting Reckon Payroll STP2 compliant, we’re back and focusing on our accounting features, in Reckon One. We’ve been going through all of our customer feedback and ideas, and prioritising our roadmap according to what’s important to You. There are a number of ways that we’ve been…
Hi, I've ticked 'include annual leave calculation' in pay item—superannuation— leave tab. However, the SGC still can't be automatically calculated in pay run when there is a leave. I need to manually adjust the correct super amount. Could anyone help me out, it's annoying. Thank you.
I'm facing Tech error for EOFY and waited two weeks and still unable to resolve. anyone facing same issue?
I have reverted some pay runs to draft, but i now want to cancel the draft and leave the pay run as submitted originally. If i delete the draft will it delete the original submission
I'm trying to log on to my payroll app on an ipad and keep receiving an error message, "Couldn't load your book." Log on is correct and I receive a third factor authentication code. This problem has been occurring since I first tried to log in after July 1. Any suggestions?
Hi. just as the title says when I try to open the payroll app I get the below screen but there is no available update in the app store.
Is anyone else having trouble logging in to Payroll? It keeps sending a code but will not accept it. I have tried about 15 times and no luck. Thanks
Hi I'm setting up an allowance that attracts super. I've not been able to differentiate between the super options of 'include statutory super' or 'include super guarantee'. How can I determine which one to use? Thanks
Hi Rav, I just processed a pay run, and when I view the pay run screen it shows the amount of employees processed and net pay as double; however, when I click into the actual run - it's just a standard run of 13 employees. When i created the bank file it also doubled up. Can you please explain?
If I archive a terminated employee am I still able to access their information if I need to?
Hi Am processing first pay run of the FY and there is an error with the Net Pay figure In the "Employees in this pay run" screen the correct Net Pay is showing on the "Pay runs" screen where I would do the STP submission the net pay is doubled I dont want to submit a STP for the incorrect amount Please help
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The Reckon Payroll App is available on Android & iPhone! Click the button below to download the app
Manage wages, leave, super and Single Touch Payroll for your employees!