Help!!! I'm having trouble with the new ap.
I'm really in a big mess.
I must have migrated info over to the new ap around 12th May. Forgot about that and then continued submitting the weekly pay runs in the old ap. Then I completed of EOFY 20/21 in the old ap and submitted those figures to ATO.
Now I'm trying to begin the new payroll year in the new ap and have balances in the staff pay details that obviously are not completed for the 20/21 year and therefore are incorrect.
I phoned the ATO and they advised me to do adjustments to make the figures agree with the correct ATO submissions, but I can't work out how to do adjustments on this new ap!
Also in the 20/21 year the staff details are there but when I tried to play around with inputting a pay run
in this 21/22 pay year the staff details are not there.
Told you I've made a big mess!!
Hope you can help me.
If you have already finalised FY 2021 from STP App, you do not need to use FY 2021 figures in Payroll App. However if STP App FY 2021 EOFY Report is incorrect you would have to make adjustments for FY 2021 in Payroll App and submit EOFY again.
Employee details are to be edited to ‘complete’ status before Payroll App would use employee in FY 2022 pay runs.
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Thank you Joseph for your email and help.
That is the problem. The figures don't agree and I can't work out how to do an adjustment.
Could you give me the steps to make an adjustment?
Thank you
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