Gov connect issue after updating access email

1467473 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

Hi, I'm trying to log on to GovConnect to do my STP, but it tells me to register my ABN & when I do so it tells me that ABN is already registered. 4 weeks ago i updated computer and email in how i access reckon portal. I now can not access gov connect, i have spent 4 weeks trying to resovle over the phone with support and they can not fix it. I kept being told wait 4-6 hours and we will resolve it everytime i call support. I have used reckon accounting/premier desktop for over 16 years never been so dissapointed. Case number CAS-171459-Q9Y8R5

Very frustrated :(


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @1467473

    4 weeks ago i updated computer and email in how i access reckon portal.

    In relation to what you've mentioned above, what did you change specifically? ie. did you change the email address associated with your account altogether or the sign-in method or something else?

    From what you've described my initial thought is that the incorrect account is being logged into (a similar case with the same sort of situation came up a couple of days ago here). Are you signing in with the same login credentials as what you're account was created under?

  • 1467473
    1467473 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    I updated our email (gmail account- name@gmail to domain email - admin@company name )in which we sign into reckon accounts to access gov connect portal to upload stp files. So new login credentials

    I have completed and provided a stat dec stating these new details and old email details and that we are one and the same company. It now states i'm new to govconnect enter in ABN which i'm already recognisesd as being registered.

    The support team are going around in circles and doing the same thing with no fix.