Why are Ship Date and Deliv Date the same on a memorised Open Purchase Order report
I have Ship Date and Deliv Date ticked within the Open Purchase Order report that is now memorised.
I have a PO with Est. Ship Date of 05/11/2022 and an ETA of 01/12/2022.
In the Open PO report, both Ship and Deliv dates are reported as 01/12/2022
Another PO has Est. Ship Date of 13/12/2022 and an ETA of 23/12/2022.
In the Open PO report, both Ship and Deliv dates are reported as 23/12/2022
Is anyone else observing this?
Does anyone know if there is a fix?
Hi @EricColeman
By default, the Open Purchase Order report only shows the "Deliv Date" (delivery date).
While you can add the "Ship Date" column it appears that that column is meant for customer invoices and not for supplier invoices (bills).
So even though a report can be modified and other columns added, in some cases, those columns may not be related to the transaction type that is being filtered for in the report.
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