Unrecoverable error. Code 00000 20132
We use Reckon Accounts Premier Edition 2022. When I try to print the Business Activity Statement, it comes up with 'Reckon Accounts - Unrecoverable Error. Reckon Accounts has experienced a problem and must be shut down. Code: 00000 20132." What am I suppose t do? Could you help with this please. Thank you.
Just print a tax summary report and get the figures that way
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Hi @Sonia
If you have been backing up regularly, when would your most recent backup have been done?
Are you able to generate any other reports successfully for the same period that you are doing a BAS report for? (Such as the Tax Summary Report that Kris had indicated?)
Are you able to generate a Trial Balance report to confirm whether the DEBIT = CREDITS?
Recommend that you consult with a Technical Support Team member for some troubleshooting assistance and if necessary, they can escalate your case to the Data Recovery Team.
Reckon Data Recovery Team
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