Transfer issues Home & Business 2009
Hi All, I recently updated my computer and have successfully installed home & business 2009. I know its old and basic, but given my level of confidence in booking keeping, it is just what I need. I am able to add entries into the program and everything seems to be working fine, except I am unable to do transfers between accounts. I add all the details as per what I would do normally, hit enter and an error message of 'Transfer Cancelled' pops up and will not except the entry. Iam unsure if its the age of the program/the program is unsupported by windows 11 or ??? Has anyone else had a similar experience. I'd love your help Jane
Call me and let me sort it for you
Gerry id 6376
Gerhard Winter
Ph. 0418907140
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Hi @Jane Adams
Here is a useful support article.
For most issues searching the Community site for the same error message will display other posts that may have raised the same or similar error in the past and some recommendations or solutions.
The Reckon Help and Support site is also a good resource.
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