Cant print today
Is anyone else having trouble printing today?
Hi @Moana47
What is happening specifically when you attempt to print in Hosted at the moment? Are you encountering an error message? If so, what is it? A screenshot would be handy if possible.
Also, what are you attempting to print specifically? ie. invoice, report etc
Are you experiencing the same behaviour regardless of what you attempt to print?
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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trying to print an invoice
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Iv logged off, logged on, cleared the logins, and now its up to 1666 second to print
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Thanks for the screenshot 🙂 It looks like there is a prompt/window open in the background that is awaiting action.
Try pressing Alt and Page Down or Alt and Page Up buttons to bring any windows in the background to the foreground.
Hopefully that helps.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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So this prompt is new and part of your maintenance that was carried out over the weekend? Is this always going to be the case, if so how do I upload the font its asking for (btw we have arial rounded on our harddrive so its something missing in the reckon world)
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What is the specific message in the prompt? A screenshot of that would be great.
I'm guessing its related to the info that is outlined in this help article -
Give the above steps a go and I believe this should resolve this for you in full but let me know how you get on.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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So we need to do this for all our templates? Mine is saying a different font, but as I have been using it for years, it seems incredible that I now have to go into them and change them all
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Hi @Glenys
Hold fire on this just for a bit, we've got the team looking into this at the moment.
More info to follow soon.
Edit: Separate announcement on this here -
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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We are the same, we havent changed our templates or the fonts since we began using Reckon back in 2018. Why has this all of a sudden become an issue. I looked at the link, and its going to take a lot of time to go in and change the font to Arial Rounded (which is the default font of Reckon).
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@Moana47 This is a new issue that has recently come to light following the minor changes for MS Office integration. Reckon are currently investigating to resolve it ASAP 😬
Shaz Hughes Dip(Fin) ACQ NSW, MICB
*** Reckon Accredited Partner (AP) Bookkeeper - specialising EXCLUSIVELY in Reckon Accounts / Hosted ! ***
* Regd BAS Agent (No: 92314 015)* ICB-Certified Bookkeeper* Snr Seasonal Tax Consultant since 2003 *
Accounted 4 Bookkeeping Services
Ballajura, WA
(NB: Please give my post a Like or mark as Accepted Answer if I have been able to resolve your query as this helps others when seeking solutions!)
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Hi everyone,
The issue around the missing fonts is now resolved. Latest info/update from the main announcement below -
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year everyone! 🎅🎆
I'm on leave from 23 December and back on deck again January 6th.
If you're working through the holiday period, we've got support available and you'll find our holiday hoursHERE.
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