2024 Upgrade - Super increase only for some employees?

Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

We are just running our first paycycle for July and have noticed that only 20 out of our 400 employees Super was increased to 11.5% - please advise?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Trish

    Did you select the option to update super to 11.5% already as outlined below?

    Updating super guarantee to 11.5% in Reckon Accounts 2024.. What do I do?

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    @Rav yes i did.. but it only did the first 20(ish) employees alphabetically in our employee listing.. then the remaining 300+ are all still on 11%

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    That sounds very strange 🤔

    Can you head into Edit ➡️ Preferences ➡️ Payroll & Employees ➡️ Company Preferences ➡️ Is there anything prefilled here for super and if so, is it set to 11.5%?

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Rav - Yes i can confirm that our Super Default Settings are as per your above example. New Employees are ok with the correct 11.5%.

    As mentioned - the Super Increase to 11.5% did occur, but only for the first 20 employees in our records (in alphabetical order).. the remaining 300+ employees still have 11% listed.

    Just to give context.. the following occurred:

    Our final payrun for previous EOFY occurred on 27/06

    We completed STP finalisation on 30/06

    We upgraded to Reckon 2024 on 30/06 (After STP Finalisation was done)

    Our first payrun in this financial year was 09/07 - resulting in most employees payroll super contributions incorrect as they are 11% not 11.5%

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hey Rav - yes the Employee Default Super Settings are showing as above with the 'Rate' being 11.5%.. if we create a 'new employee' it is correct.

    The issue is.. it only updated the rate for the first 20 employees (alphabetically) on our employee list.. leaving the remaining 300+ employees with the old 11% rate.

    Just to confirm our processes.. we ran our final pay post 2024 upgrade on 27/06/2024. We finalised STP on 30/06/2024. We then upgraded to new 2024 Reckon after the STP Finalisation on 30/06/2024.

    We have ran our first payroll for new financial year on 09/07/2024 - but the Super Rates for most employees are incorrect at 11%

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks for the info @Trish, its very strange and I can't say I've come across this before.

    I've had a quick chat with the Hosted team about this and we've got a suggestion for you to try which involves bringing back the message prompt to update your super and run it again.

    Can you please go to Edit ➡️ Preferences ➡️ General ➡️ tick the Bring back all one-time messages and click OK.
    Then close all your Reckon Accounts windows by clicking the Window menu option ➡️ select Close All.

    With that done, click the Home button then select Pay Employees and the message prompt to update super guarantee should appear again.

    Click the Yes option to update super and then check whether the 21st employee onward now shows the correct 11.5% rate.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Rav - ok.. thankyou for the detailed instructions above.. i can confirm that i followed these instructions & have checked on a few employees past the 20+.. and all their employee file's now show 11.5% Super..

    As we have processed pays on 09/07 for majority of these employees.. what is your suggestion to FIX their payroll?

    Why did the update only change 20 employee files and not All? (400?)?

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    That I don't have an answer for I'm sorry to say ☹️. From what you've described, it sounds like the process started but failed to finish when you first attempted it. Running it again today seems to have verified the process wasn't complete and has done so now.

    Do you have a large data file and if so, do you perform regular verify and rebuilds on your file?

    In regard to your existing pay, unfortunately the only thing I can advise is to follow the steps outlined HERE.

  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Ok - thanks @Rav - yes, we do have a large file & do run file verifications & rebuilds regularly (every fortnight before payroll).

    I'm disappointed that we conducted the upgrade as per instructions but it obviously faulted - without any warning - I would suggest that Reckon should look at this because this has caused us havoc & I don't believe this is acceptable - it is extremely important that the upgrades are 100% compliant.

    Thank you for the advice on updating our failed payroll run as per instructions... we will do these steps which will obviously cost us much time and effort and I feel we should be compensated for this.

    I will lodge an official complaint with Reckon on this.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,400 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    I can understand where you're coming from @Trish and I do sincerely apologise, I can appreciate its less than ideal particularly at this time of year.

    While I don't know why the super change only affected the first 20 employees and not the rest of the list, what I can do is ask our dev team to take a closer look at your file to see if there's any insight they can get from it to understand what happened and also see if its reproducible.

    If that's something you're open to then the team will need a copy of your QBW file from the previous 2023 version (prior to the upgrade) eg. a backup copy of your file or even a full original .qbw version from 2023 that hasn't been upgraded if you have one.

    If you have that and are happy to provide a copy let me know and I'll setup a secure file transfer request.


  • Trish
    Trish Member Posts: 48 Reckoner Reckoner

    Hi @Rav - thankyou, i very much appreciate your response to this one, it has certainly not been an optimal situation for our company.

    You are welcome to our 'back-up' file pre-2024 update to assist the dev team determine what went wrong for us. I hope this doesn't happen to any other users.

    Please contact me separately to work out the secure transfer of file.

    Thanks again.