Importing Timsheet File Format
We are looking at importing from external program our claim sheets into Reckon Hosted Payroll. Is there a File Format that we can use as a guide for importing for both programs to talk to each other.
Cosmic has already done bulk import of time sheet .
Have a look at video posted in this forum.
Cosmic Accounting Group
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This Community Post below has relevant info about a timesheet import format compatible with the Reckon Accounts Hosted and desktop applications.
Payroll import IIF file - from payroll software to Reckon Premier — Reckon Community
If you are familiar with Excel and working with CSV/Tab-delimited text files then that may be an option for you.
There are also tools available from the Reckon Add-on Marketplace related to data import for other functions you may be interested in.
@cosmic and @PhuongDo have other automation tools available that can help you.
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