Sharing file with Accountant

Linda Indrisie
Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

I'm finding Reckon hosting not very user friendly.

For MYOB essentials and Xero, if a client wants me to access their file, they just send me an invite. I can access it anytime, for free, without any paid partnership. I don't need their log in details. It's just so easy.

Reckon doesn't seem to have this. Can this be confirmed?


  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yes, I just got off the phone with Reckon. You have to pay a Professional Partner fee to access your clients Reckon hosting. What a joke. I will continue to steer my clients away from Reckon.

    Not only is hosted slow, clunky, you can't share it with your accountant.

    As an accountant, I can get Intuit, MYOB and Xero for free. Why would I recommend an inferior product I have to pay to access?

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    I spoke with the wrong person? You mean the person who answered the phone when I rang the Professional Partnership line? hahahaha. Seems Reckon needs to sort their stuff out then.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,583 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    But a PP pays $599 annually - correct?

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    I don't think Zappy gets it.

    WE don't pay anything to be a professional partner/accredited with MYOB/Xero/Quickbooks. Even Zoho I can access for free.

    I can even download MYOB desktop software for free, update a clients datafile and email it back.

    To get access to Reckon desktop software or hosted, you need a Reckon Professional Partner subscription and that cost $599 a year.

    Zappy, If it's wrong, then Reckon needs to fix their website and train their sales people better. Please provide a link that says I can access these things for free?

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,583 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    I access my son’s Quickbooks online file and another friend’s file as well for free

  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 218 Reckoner Reckoner

    You do realise that your "free" access to Xero is subsidised by the extraordinarily high subscription cost that the client is lumped with and paying.. right?

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    What high subscription fee? Reckon hosted $67 a month. Same as the top Xero subscription. And Xero isn't a slow and clunky as Hosted.

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    Yep. And Intuit Quickbooks is much cheaper than Xero, which is cheaper than Reckon hosted.

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    Where do you get your info????? It's on their website!!! $67 a month for Premium 5 plan. I have several Xero clients. Not one pays that much.

  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 218 Reckoner Reckoner

    Premium 5 is payroll for 5 people 🤣. Not exactly all encompassing is it?

    The subscription really starts ramping up if you're a mid-large size business which I'd say a typical Hosted subscriber is. I could be wrong about that but I just don't buy into this whole Xero is the 'be all and end all' that a whole bunch of accountants claim simply because of the kickbacks they receive from Xero.

  • Kris_Williams
    Kris_Williams Member Posts: 3,583 Reckon Accounts Hosted Elite Expert Reckon Accounts Hosted Expert

    I don’t like Zero, I think Reckon is the most user friendly of all

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    A lot of my small business clients don't have payroll for more than 5 people. Even if you add a few people, I'm not seeing the massive price difference. For other mid-large business I have, they use MYOB. They still find it more reliable and cheaper than reckon.

    No software is the be all and end all. I use all software in my firm, Quickbooks, MYOB essentials, MYOB AccountRight, Xero, Zoho just to name a few. Whatever the client comes to me with I use. I don't participate in the kickbacks any of the software companies use. Even Reckon has a kickback program, with their 20% commissions.... If a client asks me what software they should use, I say it's their choice, but give them a lift of pros and cons of what is right for their business.

    I have recently moved my firms accounting package from Reckon desktop to Xero, and it was the best thing I ever did. The final thing that made me change, was that Reckon couldn't provide me support with bank feeds. Not even on this forum. Xero isn't perfect, but it's a lot better than Hosted. Quicker, more user friendly.

    Perhaps you need to branch out and look at other software, and not stick with the Reckon cult. Because Reckon isn't the "be all and end all" either and is definitely not worth the $599 professional partner fee, just to access client Hosted accounts and get a 20% commission on selling it's software.

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,229 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Ultimately you're free to choose whichever provider or service you prefer Linda.

    I don't think there's much to be gained out of this back & forth on which is better, everyone will have their own unique set of requirements that a particular service might cater to better than the other.

    All I'll add to this is, becoming a Reckon Partner or viewing the Partner program as 'just paying to access Hosted' is a pretty singular way of viewing what it consists of, and what our Partners get from it as there's a lot more to it. It might not be suitable for you and that's ok.

    For the product side of things, we're pretty confident in the value that Reckon Accounts Hosted provides our users and it has a proven track record of being a powerhouse in terms of features, functionality and reporting. The team have been working very hard on new improvements and features to Hosted as well and will continue to do so.

    🎉 Get rewarded for contributing to the Reckon Community! Learn how you could get a $100 gift voucher each month HERE.

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner


    Clients on Xero, find the dashboard a great management tool. They log in, and on one screen can see what bank transactions need entering, from the amazing bank feed, see debtors and creditors, I can even add other ledger accounts to the dashboard, so they can keep an eye on it. ie clearing accounts, deposit accounts, drawings.

    Having stripe and other payment gateways automatically appear on the invoices and statements helped several clients improve their cashflow. Not to mention the auto statements and

    Clients also find the ability to file a PDF of a receipt with a transactions handy. For me it's great. When reviewing a file, I can see the support documents with the transaction. They like taking a photo of a receipt and uploading it.

    Other tradie clients like the the add on apps that allows timesheets to be linked with invoicing and schedules. They like the Xero app, being to access everything everywhere.

    Their short term cashflow report needs some work. I'll give you that.

  • Linda Indrisie
    Linda Indrisie Member Posts: 31 Reckoner Reckoner

    It seems the only thing I get for paying $600 a year is the access to desktop and hosted, and getting a 20% commission to sell your software.

    But keep thinking Reckon is this amazing club, and accounting professionals will stick with the other guy. Good luck with it all.