Blank rows appearing above first employee in employee list

Gemma Member Posts: 60

About a week ago a bunch of blank rows appeared above the first employee in our employee list in the employee centre.

This is not something we have done.

Is there any reason for this?


  • Linda ABC
    Linda ABC Accredited Partner Posts: 1,131 Accredited Partner Accredited Partner

    HI Gemma - are you importing timesheet data into your pays? I have seen this before when a timesheet program is used and the employee name in the timesheet program is typed in differently to how it appears in Reckon. This causes the import process to create a new blank employee... you cannot delete the blank employee until you first delete the blank time record. If you run a report on Time by name detail - you should see the blank records which can be deleted - and then you can delete the blank employee... but make sure you fix the name info first.

    Cheers Linda

  • Jay Jay Li
    Jay Jay Li Alumni Posts: 36

    Hi Gemma,

    This this KB from the link below see if resort lists can help you fix the problem.


    Jay Jay

  • Gemma
    Gemma Member Posts: 60

    Thanks Linda, we have just started importing timesheets. Will try your solution and see if it works. Cheers.