This category is for conversations related to the Reckon Personal Range software.
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Hi, I have bought a new PC and want to download an old version of Quicken PP2007 NZ. I have downloaded the .exe file from the website but the key does not work and I get the above error message. What do you suggest? I have called technical support but they suggested to log the problem here
I am going away for 2 months and will be turning my PC off during this time. How can I get back dated share price information for this period when I return?
Good Morning, Does anyone know where I can get the latest copy of the Home & Business User Manual? I have tried to download it with the file but I keep get a script error. thank you. Rosie
I have been using Reckon Personal Accounts for many years. During that time I have had continual problems to trying to access this function as it suffers from multiple script errors. This problem has continued through multiple updates of the software over the years and new computers. Is this just me who suffers from this…
Updates not working for last few days and now cannot get the app to work.
I am a long time user of Quicken / Reckon Accounts. Since end of April One Step Update has stopped working on ALL my shares. How do I get working again?
Every day this week, I have attempted to update my share prices in Personal Plus 2022 at about 9.30 pm - and nothing happens until a number of hours later. We are supposed to have a 9.00 pm service. What is happening?
The last stocks on my list - ZIP being it, have stopped updating on a daily basis. Problem since November, and now neither any Z's, y's or X's are updating. Is there a maximum number of stocks allowed, or is it another problem. Frustrating to have to update them manually.
May 8 and May 9 2023 there have been no share price updates. Why?
When attempting to install Personal Plus 2004 from the trial download onto a Windows 10 machine, the actual software that loads is Cashbook Home & Business 2004. I am attempting to move personal plus from an old machine to new.
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