Could you start an employment section on Community?

I am able to handle most aspects of Reckon Accounts Premier but sometimes I would like to hire someone when I find difficult problems or when doing complicated adjustments. I am finding it difficult to find book keepers who are expert in Reckon who can help me at those times.
I am wondering if Reckon could start up an employment section where businesses could list what they need in a professional Reckon user? Then they could ask for the person to work on their software for either a limited time or maybe employ them. Since the community should have many experts on it, it might be easier to find someone here who could do the job.
I appreciate there might be some privacy issues but I am looking for someone to review my system who has accounting and Reckon expertise and am finding it hard to find someone.
BTW if anyone here is interested and able to help for a couple of days in the Inner West of Sydney. I would be happy to discuss terms and get them working ASAP.
I think that's a great idea Martin!
Yes you're correct, the Community is full of experts including our Reckon Accredited and Professional Partners who are a wealth of knowledge. Making it easier to access these details would be very beneficial and something I will look at.
You might also be interested in checking out our Partner Search page which will provide you contact details of Partners - -
Thanks for the link Rav. I will definitely use it. I also have to find out how to get to it manually. This isn't part of the community is it? If I have to go through the Reckon website I suppose it allows more people to see them.
One good thing about having a site you can request people is that you can find people wo better match your needs and are eager enough to look online. Going to the main partner search is harder to match (and may guess wrong) and you might find someone who doesn't want to, or cannot work on a project your size i.e. the company may be too big to handle or too small to bother with.