Single Touch Payroll - Delete draft pay events

Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager

Hi everyone,
The Reckon GovConnect STP service has been updated to allow you to delete unwanted pay events.
A delete button has been added within GovConnect STP and will appear on pay events with a 'Draft' status. The delete button is available on the pay run list page and employee list view of a pay run.
Any pay events that have been submitted to the ATO and/or have a 'Submitted' status cannot be deleted.

The Reckon GovConnect STP service has been updated to allow you to delete unwanted pay events.
A delete button has been added within GovConnect STP and will appear on pay events with a 'Draft' status. The delete button is available on the pay run list page and employee list view of a pay run.
Any pay events that have been submitted to the ATO and/or have a 'Submitted' status cannot be deleted.
Doing a new pay run just now and when I click submit it won't show the new pay run in the list of files (to replace) when confirming so I can't lodge the new run. Only options I get are from my last 5 pay runs.
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Hi Gary
If you are doing a new pay run you should not be using a full file replacement, that is only if you need to replace the most recent run you have done as there was a mistake.
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Hi Simon,
When lodging a file it only gives three options. Full File Replacement, Updated Event or Final Pay Event.
All others have worked no worries with full file replacement. Either way the date and pay run i'm submitting doesn't show up on the submit window.
Edit - Also if it was a mistake you were fixing wouldn't you use update event?
This is the only STP we have had any issues with. All of last months worked fine, just thinking it's a bug since start of the month.0 -
Hi Gary,
The Full File Replacement & Update Event options are used to correct a Pay Event that has been submitted to the ATO successfully already. In this case, you haven't.
If you're doing a new pay event, in other words a 'normal' pay event, don't select any of those options when you're exporting.0 -
Thanks. Don't know why I did this run differently. Working now.2
Hello, I am trying to lodge a pay run that I have previously missed. Reckon is only bringing up my last five pay runs. Is there anyway to access a previous pay run?
Thank you Mikayla
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H Mikayla,
From what you've described, I think this KB article might help explain what you're seeing -
Single Touch Payroll Lodgement window does not list all my previous payruns
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Gary's problem seems to be the same as mine. I will try the suggested solution. Thanks
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I tried it and it worked. Do not tick any of the three boxes and submit seamlessly.
Thanks you everyone especially Gary for asking the question. Trevor1 -
Anyone have any idea how to delete a file that has an error that was rejected by the ATO? It was my first attempt and now it just sits on the list with ERROR. The ATO didn't accept it so why can't i delete it as it's annoying seeing it sitting there!0
Hi Sylvia,
Any pay events that have any status other than Draft cannot be deleted and need to be retained as required by the ATO.
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Thanks for this, really appreciated. Now I have a second issue. When I submit the file I receive an error a little while after the pending message. The error states:
- A text character must be one of the following: A to Z a to z 0 to 9 ! @ $ % & * ( ) - = [ ] ; : ' " , . ? / or a space character
Any ideas on this one???- Many thanks
- Sylvia
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the problem is with error on a payrun still adds into the employee's gross and I cant put a minus sign to adjust then re-submitt0
I'm having the same problem, did you find an answer
to fix this0 -
So I've read through the comments and questions but I'm still not seeing what I need. I've entered three pay runs with the same date. I need to delete two of them or my end of year payroll balance will be incorrect. They have already been submitted ad approved by the ATO.
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As outlined in the opening post any submissions that have been submitted to the ATO cannot be deleted for any reason. We are required to retain any sent submissions by the ATO.
With that said, please keep in mind Single Touch Payroll is reported on a Year to Date basis only. Any subsequent submissions that you successfully send will update the YTD balances automatically.
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Thanks for the quick reply. Sorry to have you reiterate something that was already said