Problem with STP reporting through Reckon Portel

Gill Baker
Member Posts: 5 Novice Member

When in Reckon Gov Connect and selecting an STP file to upload, it keeps going back to the Report Type screen after selecting the STP file that was downloaded. It doesn't go back to the main screen to see details of the file and submit. I am therefore unable to report to the ATO as required after each pay run. can i get some assistance on this one.
Hi Gill,
Can you confirm which Reckon product you are using and also, which product selection you have made within GovConnect. What you've described usually happens when there is a mismatch between the type of Reckon software you are using and the one that has been selected in GovConnect.
For example, you've marked this thread as Reckon Accounts Business so I'm assuming your using one of our desktop editions of Reckon Accounts. Can you confirm if that is what is showing in GovConnect as well?
I'll add a screenshot below of what my GovConnect looks like, in my case however I have all four products selected rather than just one so it might look a bit different to yours. The key thing is, you just need to ensure the product in GovConnect matches the one you are using.
Let me know how you get on
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