Jobkeeper payments & Reckon software

Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,735 Reckon Community Manager

Hi everyone,
As you're aware, we're all going through some incredibly challenging and turbulent times at the moment. Hopefully you're all staying safe and our thoughts are with everyone affected.
With the Government's recent announcement of the new Jobseeker payments, we know you'll have a lot of questions around how to handle these in your Reckon software.
We are in discussions with the ATO around the specific reporting requirements for these new payments.
There is a fair bit of detail around this and we're still working through these at the moment.
We'll have more information coming on this topic very soon so please stay tuned.
ATO information on the Jobseeker Payments -
See the latest info below for information on JobKeeper and Reckon software.
JobKeeper and Reckon Accounts & Reckon Accounts Hosted
JobKeeper and Reckon One
Payroll Premier 2019/20 JobKeeper Guide
JobKeeper Payments FAQ
See also the information from Treasury;
Australian Government: JobKeeper Payment — Frequently Asked Questions
Leave Accrual information from FairWork
JobKeeper changes to the Fair Work Act
As you're aware, we're all going through some incredibly challenging and turbulent times at the moment. Hopefully you're all staying safe and our thoughts are with everyone affected.
With the Government's recent announcement of the new Jobseeker payments, we know you'll have a lot of questions around how to handle these in your Reckon software.
We are in discussions with the ATO around the specific reporting requirements for these new payments.
There is a fair bit of detail around this and we're still working through these at the moment.
We'll have more information coming on this topic very soon so please stay tuned.
ATO information on the Jobseeker Payments -
See the latest info below for information on JobKeeper and Reckon software.
JobKeeper and Reckon Accounts & Reckon Accounts Hosted
JobKeeper and Reckon One
Payroll Premier 2019/20 JobKeeper Guide
JobKeeper Payments FAQ
See also the information from Treasury;
Australian Government: JobKeeper Payment — Frequently Asked Questions
Leave Accrual information from FairWork
JobKeeper changes to the Fair Work Act
Hi everyone.
The ATO has called another meeting for software developers to discuss JobKeeper tomorrow afternoon. As such, it is likely we will not be able to provide final guidance around this until later this week.
We certainly appreciate there is a sense of urgency around this topic at the moment for everyone however we, like all other software providers, want to make sure we get this right before we can tell you how to configure your software.
More information to follow. Stay tuned.12 -
Hi everyone,
We are currently formalising & reviewing our official documentation and processes in regard to JobKeeper payments for each of our payroll software. We'll have full documentation on setup and processing to share with you all and answer any questions you may have following this.
There is a further meeting scheduled in regard to this on Monday next week and pending the outcome of this we're confident we'll be able to provide guidance to you all to get this underway.
We really appreciate your patience so far, I know that everyone wants to get started on this ASAP.
I'll have more updates and information to follow here as soon as they come to hand.
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Hi everyone,
Please see our official documentation on JobKeeper payments with Reckon Accounts & Reckon Accounts Hosted below.
How to add JobKeeper Allowance pay items in Reckon Accounts
How to process Jobkeeper payments in Reckon Accounts5 -
Hi everyone,
Please see our official documentation on JobKeeper payments with Reckon One below.
How to add JobKeeper Allowance pay items
How to process JobKeeper payments2 -
Documentation for Payroll Premier will follow shortly and I will post it here as soon as its available.5
Just as a side note to the above. I'd highly recommend checking out the following JobKeeper FAQ from Treasury as it covers a high number of scenarios that you may be wondering about at the moment
Australian Government: JobKeeper Payment — Frequently Asked Questions
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Creating new thread Please reference the new conversation here: JobKeeper - 30% decrease0
Hi everyone,
Please see our official guide on JobKeeper payments with Payroll Premier below.
Payroll Premier 2019/20 JobKeeper Guide
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Hi everyone,
Please see our official guide on handling JobKeeper payments when using the Reckon STP app (free app for micro-business 1-4 employees).
Reckon STP Mobile App JobKeeper Guide
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This discussion has been closed.