New customer information

When entering a new customer the little box to tick identifying the new customer as a "individual" has vanished.
was this an update ?
Reckon one
I am having the same trouble and we are trying to do invoicing, its very frustrating.
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Yes...frustrating indeed.....can create a new customer as a business but not individual. Help....
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I also just tried to edit an individual from only a customer to also a supplier. It keeps coming back asking me to enter a first and last name, but there are no fields to record that information also won't let me create a new supplier with the same name.......very annoying!
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Hi guys,
Hopefully I can help clear this up a bit. The ‘Contacts’ area in Reckon One is going through a change with the end goal of making it a lot simpler and removing some of the unnecessary that was in there before.
You may have noticed that the ‘This contact is’ option has been removed. You can still create a customer and supplier on the same record. Business name can also refer to first name and last name. Display name is how you'd like to identify this customer record on your book. When sending transactions (i.e. invoices, adjustment notes etc), the business name will be used.
We will be introducing new 'Contact' functionality which can be linked to a customer, supplier or super fund record. With the new Contact function, you can also send forms such as invoices, quotes, etc.
@KellieStokes What you've outlined is an issue which is currently being investigated as we speak and we hope to have it solved shortly.