Changing from Accounts Desktop to Accounts Hosted STP HELP

How do I gain access to my STP file on Hosted. The program wants me to start a new file with ABN etc, however when I enter my companies info it says it is already registered though I can not gain access to the information that has already been entered via the desktop accounts. Can not even just enter STP for the week just gone.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Hi @Joey85
You'll need to add the Reckon Accounts Hosted product to the existing GovConnect service you've set up and using.
I'll add a screencast from my account below however it will look a little different as I have ALL the products selected in my GovConnect.
Once you've done that when you create a STP file from Reckon Accounts Hosted you will then upload it to the Reckon Accounts Hosted tile in GovConnect as shown in the screencast.
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Hi Rav,
I unfortunately do not have the option to add Hosted to my existing service. The options I have are things like ReckonOne, CLoud POS etc. Also when I log in to my service now from desktop or through hosted it is asking me to add the STP via ABN etc which when I do this it tells me "Sorry, that ABN has already been registered. If you have one, please try a different GST branch."
Very Confused.
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I think there's a couple of things happening here but lets tackle the account side of things first because its important we get that right first.
Also when I log in to my service now from desktop or through hosted it is asking me to add the STP via ABN etc which when I do this it tells me "Sorry, that ABN has already been registered. If you have one, please try a different GST branch."
From what you've described, it sounds like you're logged into a different account than what your previous GovConnect service was in. Can you double check that you are signing in with the same login credentials to GovConnect account that you had previously?
What is the ABN that you have registered to the GovConnect service?
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Hi Rav,
Yes you are right I use to use my google account to log in to GovConnect. Which is not an option with Hosted GovConnect.
ABN is, 24600328943
Thanks again,
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Cool thanks for confirming Joseph.
Ok can you do me a favour and instead of logging in using the browser that opens within Hosted itself, open a new tab on the browser you are using and head over to
It should load correctly and present you with the 'Sign in with Google' button that you're normally used to seeing. Use that to login and you should be able to access your usual account.
Let me know how you get on.
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Hi Rav,
I was able to log in this way, THANK YOU!!! I then was able to add hosted as you suggested earlier. The Hosted tab is there for me to add data, though it only will let me add data from my cpu not the file saved on the hosted cloud. I then tried again logging in through Hosted, STP etc, it still wants me to add the GovConnect service, I tried again and still getting the same error message. As I am very new to Hosted I am guessing there is a way to save data to a usb stick or to the cpu though I can't seem to work that one out either.
Hopefully you can help me with that one...
Thanks again in advance
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Cool, glad to hear you're back in your account now 🙂
I then was able to add hosted as you suggested earlier. The Hosted tab is there for me to add data, though it only will let me add data from my cpu not the file saved on the hosted cloud.
This is an easy one but can be a bit confusing if you're new to Hosted. What you need to do after you've created the STP file in Hosted is to download it to your PC. You can download it from Hosted by using the Floating Toolbar and I'll link a short how-to video that explains how to use it to download files from Hosted's cloud Q or B drives down to your PC.
Once its downloaded to your PC you can then upload to GovConnect like you were trying to do earlier.
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Perfect, thank you so much Rav for walking me through this, really do appreciate it.
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No problem at all, glad you're back on track 👍️