Employees myGov YTD Amounts not Updated

Mick_10863032 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member
edited January 2024 in Reckon Payroll

Hi, I processed and submitted a pay run on 14 January 2022 for the quarter ending 31st of December 2021. It was submitted and received successfully. when the employees check on their individual myGov accounts, the year to date figures only show the July – September 2021 payments.The employees here to date figures did not include the October – December 2021 amounts. The year-to-date payroll amounts on the payroll app are correct. When I check on our ATO portal it shows that the STP reporting was received on 14 January 2022. My question is why is this not reflected on the employees myGov year-to-date figures? Your help and advice would be greatly appreciated. Regards Michael


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Mick

    Was the STP submission that was sent through for this pay run sent as a normal new pay run OR was it marked as an adjustment? (otherwise known as an Update Event)

    When I check on our ATO portal it shows that the STP reporting was received on 14 January 2022.

    When you login to the ATO Business Portal and view this submission does it show detail on the balances received? It will also show the submission type here as well

  • Mick_10863032
    Mick_10863032 Member Posts: 2 Novice Member Novice Member

    Hi Rav

    It was sent through as a normal pay run. When I log into our ATO portal the event type is shown as a pay event. It also shows the gross payments and the PAYG withheld amounts for this pay event with an effective date of the 31/12/2021 which is correct.


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,719 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    I've been having a chat with our technical support team in relation to your situation. Its a bit of a strange one, the only time they've come across something somewhat similar is when an employee's details such as TFN, name, DOB etc are not accurate in the software and subsequently doesn't flow to the MyGov account due to the mismatch.

    You've mentioned however that the employee has received the previous balances into their MyGov. Were there multiple employees included in this submission and have they ALL not been updated or just a particular one?

    The other aspect could have been a delay in processing or updating of the MyGov account but I'd expect that to have happened by now since your submission was made on 14 Jan.

    At this point, my next suggestion would be to give the ATO a call and provide the receipt number for the submission (you'll find it in the ATO Business Portal) and perhaps they'll be able to provide some further advice on the lack of update.