Accounts Premier 22 email issues

John Walker
John Walker Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner


After having to subscribe to Premier 2021 after 2017 was deactivated, I spent many hours trying to set up Thunderbird as email server. Another couple of hours with Reckon support and problem sorted.

I have now updated to 2022 and problem has returned.

Even reverting to 2021 and reloading backup has not fixed problem.

Have changed QBW.INI as suggested to no avail.

Thanks John


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,728 Reckon Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi John,

    What is happening specifically or what errors are you experiencing with email since your upgrade to the 2022 edition?

    Are you encountering a specific error message? If so, what is it?

    While Thunderbird is not a supported/tested mail client for Reckon Accounts, I do believe there are a range of users who have successfully configured it for operation with their Reckon Accounts install.

    Another couple of hours with Reckon support and problem sorted.

    Just on the point above, what steps did the support team go over with you during your transition to 2021 which proved successful?

  • Eric Murphy
    Eric Murphy Member Posts: 232 Reckon Star Reckon Star

    Thunderbird is an email client not a server.

    I had it working a few years ago but being open source it's open to all sorts of problems so moved off it to Outlook. No regrets or issues since.

  • John Walker
    John Walker Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner

    Thunderbird has been our email default for many years. Do not want to use Outlook and have business credibility with hotmail / gmail. Having used Premier for 20+ years, email has been a persistent problem. Always been able to use TB until subscription. Reckon support solved issue, but 2022 update has reverted to old system and appears to have changed 2021 as well.

  • John Walker
    John Walker Member Posts: 10 Reckoner Reckoner

    Have found original fix here:

    While not perfect, emails must be processed individually and Moz-Mapi file ideally renamed, at least SSL / TLS1.2 security is maintained and emails appear in your 'Sent' folder. Using 'Other' in Edit / Preferences / Send Forms / My Preferences / Email Provider 'Other' only works with NON SSL/TLS port '26' and provides no security or confirmation of email sent.

    Obviously Registry Key needs to be changed with each Reckon Upgrade.