Why can't I access the book?

ruthzunker Member Posts: 3
edited March 2022 in Reckon One

Client has invited me into the file as a user with admin access, however I can't seem to access the book?

See attached screenshots.

Have I been invited correctly?

If yes, how do I access the book?

If not, what does admin need to do so I can access the book?


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @ruthzunker

    If the client shared the book with your account then click on the 'Shared with Me' tab in your account and you should see the book there (screenshot example below).

    If you don't see the book there then we'll need more info on how the client initiated the share/invite ie. what steps did they take?

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  • ruthzunker
    ruthzunker Member Posts: 3

    the client followed the 'adding new client to the book' procedure as per this link - http://www.reckonlimited.com.au/dataservices/KB/v2addinguserportal.pdf

  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 16,032 Community Manager Community Manager

    Thanks @ruthzunker

    Ok, on closer inspection of the screenshots in your previous message it looks as though you've been assigned the 'user' role by the admin/owner of the account this book is owned by.

    On checking your account on my end I have also seen that while you have been added, its been set to 'user'.

    If the admin of the account clicks the 'Portal Role Permissions' tab in their account and ticks the 'user' role it will provide permission for you to view and access the book. An example/screenshot from my own account below you'll see I have allowed other users with the user role to access my book named 'Rav Book'.

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  • ruthzunker
    ruthzunker Member Posts: 3

    all good. I have managed to resolve this directly with the client