Migration from STP app fails.

Brilkey Member Posts: 10 ✭
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll πŸš€


I'm having trouble migrating from the STP app to the new Payroll app.

When I log in, it asks if I would like to migrate from STP app. When I click this, the next screen says "This ABN & branch number is already registered" and gives me the option of signing in with another account or set up a new business. There is only one employee and their details are complete. The only thing that I can see is missing from the Company details is the GST branch which should be 001 as it is the parent entity.

The company ABN is 62 607 564 045

How can I get past this stage



  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,441 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Brilkey

    Can you please try the migration again now and let me know if you're able to proceed successfully this time.


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  • Brilkey
    Brilkey Member Posts: 10 ✭

    Hi Rav,

    Migration has now been completed.

    Thank you for your assistance, it is greatly appreciated.

    Kind Regards,
