Failed to create pay run

nickthearrow Member Posts: 3 ✭
edited January 3 in Reckon Payroll 🚀

I am trying to create a new pay run on the app, however after I add the employees & click create I get the error message. "Failed to create pay run" I'm not sure if it's a glitch in the app or on my phone. Any ideas?

I have tried mutiple times & updated the app & the same issue occurs


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,468 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @nickthearrow

    The first thing I'd recommend checking is that all of the required employee information is filled out and valid. Cancel out of that pay run and tap on 'Employees' and check that each employee has all required info in their profile.

    Have you been able to create pay runs successfully for ALL of these employees on a previous occasion or is this your first attempt at trying? And/or, are there any new employees that you've created recently that you're trying to include in this pay run?

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