2021 R2 Update - Website not working


Hi All,

We were subsciption payers of Reckon up until October 2022. Membership for approx 20 years.

At the moment our data is being migrated to another server & with that comes the need for us to reinstall older versions of Reckon so our history is still viewable from the past.

We have downloaded & installed 2021 & we now need the 2021 R2 Update from the website but it doesnt work, I'm not sure if this because my user & password are no longer under subsription or if the website is broken.


We have tried to call support for assistance but we're basically told sorry can't help you unless you pay.

This is crazy, this update relates to a period in which we paid for support.

Is anyone able to help me obtain the 2021 R2 update?

Thanks Kindly


  • Rav
    Rav Administrator, Reckon Staff Posts: 15,482 Community Manager Community Manager

    Hi @Mooshie Ervin

    I'm not exactly an expert in this area but from what I understand once your subscription has expired or your account has been cancelled, the Members Area will be inaccessible for you which is why you're unable to access the download.

    If you send me a Private Message with your Customer ID and account details, I'll have a chat with our Customer Service team and I believe they should be able to organise read-only access to the software.

    ℹ️ Stay up to date with important news & announcements for your Reckon software! Click HERE for more info.

  • Mooshie Ervin
    Mooshie Ervin Member Posts: 28

    Thanks Rav, it seems our IT has managed to find a way to get this sorted out & we're able to access our old data now. Thank you though, appreciate the response.

    Reckon need to make it easier for old subscription holders to access these files because in this world, computers are forever changing and requiring updates. The login should work for any files that relate to my paid period and none after.