We’re super excited to announce that we've partnered with Beam! This new super payment solution allows you to seamlessly calculate, process and submit your super contributions directly from Reckon Pay…
Hi Guys we are after a bit of advice, We are a medium sized Labour Hire Company who has workers come and go. We sometimes get staff going back to work from 2-3 years ago looking to be re-employed. Is …
Hi everyone If you're upgrading to Reckon Accounts Hosted 2024 or Reckon Accounts Desktop 2024, you will be prompted to update your super guarantee item to the new 11.5% rate that takes effect on 1 Ju…
Processing our first payrun for the new year and according to the "What's New" article from Reckon, there should be a prompt that appears when opening the Employee/Payroll Centre or Pay Employees aski…
We have just put on a staff member whose salary is large enough for the Maximum super payment to come into play. I know that you can put the annual maximum figure on their employee file which will the…
We made an error in the reporting of the payment of superannuation for an employee who is no longer with us. We have also already submitted our EOFY final reports through the STP finalisation process.…
Can I get some help please, recently moved over from Payroll Premier to Reckon One payroll. This is the first time I've had a pay run with an employee that has taken leave since moving over to the new…
Hi team, My FY22 pre-filing report on the ATO portal shows an incorrect RESC amount (it was double the correct value). I have traced the problem to the app's YTD value - this had been set to the RESC …
How do I handle Super Guarantee for employees under 18 from 1 July 2022 onward? What's happening? From 1 July 2022, the $450 per month threshold for super guarantee is being removed. Employers will be…
How do I handle Super Guarantee for employees under 18 from 1 July 2022 onward? What's happening? From 1 July 2022, the $450 per month threshold for super guarantee is being removed. Employers will be…
Processing superannuation for employees under 18 working less than 30 hours per week From 1 July 2022 the $450 per month threshold for super guarantee was removed and employers will be required to mak…
Creating a custom super item in Reckon Payroll Web You have the ability to create various superannuation-type items in Reckon Payroll. The available superannuation types are; Super Guarantee Employer …
Creating a super fund and assigning it to an employee An important part of the payroll process is the ability to assign your employee's choice of superannuation fund. You can now set up Australian Pru…
Creating a super fund and assigning it to an employee An important part of the payroll process is the ability to assign your employee's choice of superannuation fund. You can now set up Australian Pru…
Creating custom super items in the Reckon Payroll App You can now create various superannuation item types in the Reckon Payroll App! Please ensure you have downloaded version 4.0.2 of the app or late…