Hi everyone, I’ve watched the training videos from Clayton, and I’ve asked been speaking to some book keepers and accoutants. Most of my staff are on an Annualised Salary Hybrid model paid well above …
Reckon Accounts Desktop 2023 & STP Phase 2 Update ℹ Hi everyone! We're really excited to announce that Reckon Accounts Desktop 2023 will be released during the week commencing 12 June 2023. This relea…
Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 & STP Phase 2 Update ℹ Hi everyone! We're really excited to announce that Reckon Accounts Hosted 2023 will be released during the week commencing 12 June 2023. This release…
Say our business is closed for a month with no pay run (Not even holiday pay or sick pay). Do we still need to do a $0 STP lodgement to the ATO for that month? Thanking you in advance!
Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 Masterclass Webinar by Clayton Oates 💻 Hi everyone! We're really excited to invite you to register for the 'Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 (STP2)' webinar, hosted by Reckon…
Preparing for STP Phase 2 🗃 Hi everyone By now you have likely heard of the upcoming STP Phase 2 reporting requirements. This will see your business build on its current STP reporting to provide addi…
I followed the checklist for STP Phase 2 readiness and clicked the final section to make the transition. But how can I confirm that I have done this correctly?
Getting ready for STP Phase 2? Check out our Ready Checklist Hi everyone! We're really excited to to let you know that we've made it super easy to get ready for Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 with our n…
Get prepared! The STP Phase 2 Checklist is available in the Reckon Payroll App (Web) ✅ Single Touch Payroll Phase 2 will see your business provide additional information to the Australian Taxation Off…
📢 Payroll App customers on the Premium plan.. We'd like to hear from you! Hi everyone! Are you currently a Payroll App customer on the premium plan? If so, we'd like to invite you to participate in a…
IMPORTANT UPDATE: STP Phase 2 for Reckon software We contacted you last year to advise that Reckon had secured a 12-month deferral for all our customers and partners to start STP Phase 2 reporting fro…
IMPORTANT UPDATE: STP Phase 2 for Reckon software We contacted you last year to advise that Reckon had secured a 12-month deferral for all our customers and partners to start STP Phase 2 reporting fro…